went out with my family for dinner last nite, happy and simple meal :). valentine's day but we didnt go anywhere REALLY special. we just ordered food from those seafood kitchen type of stall. 4 dishes, 1 soup. $42. cheaper coz usually we would order a crab there, coming up to $60+. tried out 1 "new" dish.. damn nice. some golden sand pork ribs or something. lol, then my parents went to see some void deck valentine programme.. for aunties and uncles. they left early haha.
currently in a so-so mood. i would be happy if i didnt find out that i lost a fish and a shrimp (only one of that type in my tank), IN ONE NITE!
overall i lost 2 colorful fishes, 3 shrimps, 1 snail including my first casualty. now, i think the tank has settled down a little. the shrimps seem more active and the fishes more "controlled". the losses mite be a blessing in disguise.
oh ya, a lil spider made its web between the lamp and some branches. wind blew it away during the nite lol. got other spider make web there before and actually caught something, but i didnt take picture.
(upload pics)

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