Sunday, March 22, 2009

lol lil shrimps.

yesterday morning, after my dad transferred the fishes out of the tank, the lil shrimps went missing lol. but this morning, suddenly can see a total of four. lol, my father looked at the tank for a very long time. managed to take a "pic" when 1 of them swam onto a bright leaf. guess they were dam scared with the fishes.

and.. it seems its mating season for the snails too. 1 baby snail spotted already haha. the adults were going all over each other recently. but so fast gt 1 tiny snail. maybe a couple "started" last week or something.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

lol sucks

these few days suck man. right now only my right hand can "function". can say that im more handicapped now. thing grew, going for yet another round of fucking expensive laser. doctor says this might probably be the last time, since anymore would probably do more harm than good. so.. well, if this time doesnt suppress the thing, i.. lol idk. no1 knows the future.

i tink medicine made me more "emotional". i get angry very easily now. but haha im stuffing myself with food at the same time. steroids =/. right now im quite a mess and my family is putting up with my rubbish lol.

amazingly i can also avoid the urge to take a cab home straight from hospital. i tink that food is making me take mrt. i take "detours" with my father to go eat lunches lol. those having set lunch offers n stuff haha. like u know lerk thai offer? 3 ppl dine for price of 2. and swensons had 2 for 1 or something, didnt go swensons though. lol, im willing to walk here and there even though my body isnt so fit for moving now.

ah, gaining stress relief through food. lol i just thought about how im eating and.. holy shit!

oh ya oh ya! MY FATHER FOUND LIVE BABY SHRIMPS! they sort of appeared last nite, this morning discover. dam bloody small, less than 1 mm. serious. measured. lol, got 2 pregnant shrimps but they are of different breeds so idk which gave birth. my father had already isolated the shrimps thats why we could see 1-2 shrimplets with the mums.

edit: oh more wow, yellow and cherry shrimps do hybridize! and i have both females and males. no male red cherry i tink.. die out liao. but still cool.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


any1 wanna play maple with me? on above worlds. ign: MyGunIsBig. currently lv21 =/