today i woke up earlier so my mum was around to help me. some things were changed, like the amount of butter and milk. then, mum toasted the ham to get the xtra water off. after adding the ham, i think i got a bigger portion lol.
so everything went down. this time i put butter on the pan first, not together with the egg; coz my mum told me like that better. lol, ended up like the way my mum makes it. slightly harder and more "chunky" than what i would have preferred. maybe i set the fire a lil too big, or the ham was in the way. guess i will try again tomorrow and cut the ham into smaller pieces xD.
and dont worry, im using those non-stick type of pan to cook.. i tink.
eating time: wow, the ham like not salty at all -.- and i thought it could replace the salt that i didnt put lol. mum added some salt for me after i put on the pepper. wah, the salt like just nice. how she sprinkle until so zhun?? in the end i tink the salt and pepper saved this chunky ham scrambled eggs lol. cannot see pepper like yesterday picture coz this is more zoomed out.

lol, saw my orange shrimp (currently the largest shrimp in the tank) stick on the tank glass there. very rare, lol since it prefers to be on something more "grappable". zhao geng leh.

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