Monday, February 4, 2008

-Yj versus Maid-

-Yj versus Maid-

Today while preparing dinner.. soup was the remainder of yesterday's steamboat ingredients all into one pot. I was watching my maid put the stuff in until we reached the ingredient above. There was a confusion. What is it ar.. is it the 1) Fish.. er.. dumpling? or 2) Pork.. er.. dumpling?

Actually is not really a confusion lah. But my maid keep saying is fish fish fish then I keep saying is pork. Why maid keep saying is fish?? Because my mum let her eat the fish one mah.. she didn't know got pork one, so she don't know lol. Then we came to a conclusion: "ok nevermind. We wait tonight ask m'am."


So we asked my mum. I win lah! It is pork.. coz I was the one who bought it LOL. Then yesterday my mum already asked me to clear the fish one LOL. Why am I so pro?

Yj-1 Maid-0
The Soup.

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