Monday, June 30, 2008

Peter Parker

I have been told that I look like Peter Parker =D. During the release of.. er.. SpiderMan 1 or 2, my bro told me that. Then SpiderMan 3's 'Emo Parker'.. Jeremy would remember it. Now, WX says that I look like Mr.Yam. Hmm.. Whatever.

What if I got bitten by something genetically modified too? No more spiders, since Peter already has that. Anyone watched 'Animal Pharm'? The documentary on ChannelNewsAsia. Whereby animals/plants go through selective breeding or get genetically modified. What if the animals bit me? Hmm.. let's look at it one by one. lol.

Cow - selective breeding of the most muscular/meaty/strong/sexy cow in the ranch. What if one got out and bit me? Oh wow I would have a damn muscular body! Horns might be nice. But I guess that's all.. unless something goes wrong and I start producing milk as well. Hey wait, the cow needs to actually inject some venom or something into me right? Nevermind, I will just bite it instead. Get it's blood.

Pig - For what?? Not as muscular as the cow and it has a lot of fat. Well.. maybe I can get some intelligence. By the way, baby pigs are cute. lol.

Salmon - Heh, present day giant! I will be a Hagrid without the beard. I remember that these salmons were modified and something got turned off so that it will continue growing. Maybe some part of the human brain needs to get turned on or off to get this same effect. *Try knocking someone's head*

Veggies - Imagine if I turn green and start growing veggies for hair. Hey then maybe veggie companies would come and get me to be their spokesperson. Maybe even McDonald's would come and get me for their fake healthy lifestyle campaign! IMAGINE HOW RICH I WOULD BE!

Humans - I know this wasn't part of the show. But imagine if I become muscular and attractive after going around biting people and getting their blood. Well, I might just end up getting AIDS. Anyway, maybe girls who want nice butts can go bite girls with nice butts. Hey WX, don't tell me to bite Mr. Yam because I don't intend to =D.

This is probably the end of a post that is somehow entirely impossible. Well, I haven't been good in science since secondary school. Maybe next time there will be a more 'superhero' type of post, like getting bitten by a snake instead.

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