lol @ tagboard. im here.. and im not as obsessed with soccer as u guys.
ok first.. this week's monday was vesak day and c170 came over to my house! i tink total was 17 ppl including mr george yam lol. they came and played a few things and sexy jolvin somehow got banluck 4x in a row hahhaha. Also played a game where they act out sumting and ppl guess.. but i nv really play lol. guess too slow/dunno how act. i rock.
they brought a few things.. a basket of fruits, bird nest (mr yam say is the sch "buy" but i tink he ownself buy 1), and a.. er.. board of get-well messages. some people expressed their love for me through the messages. im so touched T_T. special thx to shavonne! she lent me a few books and stuff let me read lol.
the board got 'hung' right in front of where i sleep, so i see it right b4 going to bed and right when i wake up lol.
thx c170 for all of this lol.

another thingy. wah 4get when.. at hospital saw one guy. nose or throat cancer.. 4get. his neck red like siao sia.. my mum go tok to his son den we realize is burnt by the radiotherapy. den that poor uncle got all the sore throat/whateva burnt neck problems. den sumhow dunno why go intro my mother 'manuka honey'. some super expensive high quality honey. well, we went to buy it. my father said that it is quite effective for the throat after trying it. i tink the uncle need to take very potent manuka honey.
going sumwhere to eat with my relatives lol. see you there wee yang.
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